Aparna Shewakramani of Netflix’s “Indian Matchmaking” on Fame, Fate and Freedom from People-Pleasing

Aparna Shewakramani of Netflix’s “Indian Matchmaking” on Fame, Fate and Freedom from People-Pleasing

Aparna from Netflix’s hit TV show“Indian Matchmaking” opens up about her new book, She’s Unlikeable: And Other Lies that Bring Women Down. The author and reality star shares what it’s like to go from a life of normalcy and privacy as a lawyer looking for love in Texas, to a life over-examined and hyper-edited for the entire world to see. We talk about reshaping gender roles in South Asian culture, girl bossing vs. girl resting, and navigating fate and agency in our love lives and careers. Plus: Bollywood movies, gratitude, and setting boundaries.

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Lillian So on Bossing Up as the CEO of Your Own Life

Lillian So on Bossing Up as the CEO of Your Own Life

If you've ever felt the urge to escape your life and "Eat, Pray, Love" your way to a yoga ashram in India or Bali, please listen to this podcast episode instead - it will save you a lot of time, money and heartache. Lillian So, a life coach, fitness entrepreneur, and co-author of the new book FitCEO, gets personal and shares everything: her moment of panic after getting her first tattoos, reclaiming her energy and worth by leaving toxic and emotionally abusive relationships, and what she learned from starting her own business and writing her first book, Fit CEO, in partnership with Rebecca Macieira-Kaufmann (the former CEO of Citigroup). We talk about why investing in ourselves is the hardest but most gratifying work, and why we need to deprogram the Model Minority Myth even within ourselves. Lastly, Lillian shares why asking for help - whether it's for work, your mental health or emotional and physical wellbeing - is the ultimate BOSS move in manifesting your best life.

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